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Veteran students bring a unique and valued perspective to the classroom. 退伍军人支持服务致力于为所有退伍军人在大学过程中提供服务和支持.

Each semester you would like to utilize VA benefits, veterans must complete a Request for VA Enrollment Certification form, provided all other information is already on file. 联系 (电子邮件保护) 对于这个表格. Additionally, if you change your major, a new plan of study is required. For more information, see 换发新证 tab below.

联系 经验丰富的认证 at (电子邮件保护) or (248) 370-4010 to request certification. 经验丰富的认证 forms are available on the 表单页面.

强烈建议在以下日期之前申请认证,以确保OU和VA之间及时处理. 请记住,我们在这里是为了在整个过程中帮助你,但你也必须拥有自己的利益.

  • 秋季学期:8月10日
  • Winter Semester: December 10
  • Summer Semester: April 10

You will initially be certified by the number of classes you are taking. At the end of the add/drop period, we again certify you with the tuition amount based on your schedule.

  • For Chapter 30, 1606, 1607 and 35, tuition will be paid directly to you.
  • For Chapter 31 and 33, tuition is paid to OU. 请记住,如果您的第33章福利低于100%,您将负责剩余的余额. It is encouraged that you consider all of your options, 比如付款计划, FAFSA and OU grants and scholarships.

请记住,每次添加或退出课程时,您都需要通知退伍军人认证. 如果不这样做,可能会导致您可能没有意识到的认证调整. 如果你有问题, please let us know and we can discuss this with you before you adjust your schedule.

  • 审计的课程: You cannot be certified or draw benefits for an audited course.
  • 改变专业: If you are changing your major, 你必须通知注册办公室的认证官员,并提供新专业的工作计划.
  • 改变学校: 如果你要转到十大菠菜台子或从十大菠菜台子转到另一所学校,并且已经收到了你的福利, you need to fill out a Change of Program or Place of Training form, (22-1995), (22-5495 for Chapter 35 recipients). 此表格可在注册主任办公室领取,或在网上填写申请. Submit this form to the school to which you are transferring your benefits.
  • 下线时间(无记录): 就退伍军人而言, 休学期是指学校在学期开始时指定的一段合理的短暂的休学期. The school’s last day to drop a course will be the end of the drop period, providing it does not exceed 30 days from the first day of the term.
  • 放弃一门课程: If you drop a course during the semester or term, 退伍军人事务部可以考虑溯及学期或课程的开始,如果有减轻的情况存在. 如果退课改变了你的注册状态,可能会出现多付学费的情况.
  • Guest Student Certification: If you will be a guest student at another institution, 完成客座学生申请并通知注册主任办公室的认证官员. 家长学校将向其他机构发送一封信函,说明您正在学习的课程将满足十大菠菜台子的学位要求.
  • 独立的研究: 在一个正常的学期中,独立学习可以算在你的注册状态中. 最好与注册官办公室核实,因为其他标准也可能适用.
  • 杂项: Classes with hours by arrangement, internship, etc., 在OU完成认证程序之前,可能需要您的部门提供其他信息. 请向注册主任办公室提交有关特殊课程的任何文件.
  • 工作计划: The Plan of Work (also called a Plan of Study, 建议形式, 或个人课程计划)应列出所有的课程工作,你将需要完成,以获得预期的学位. 您希望向VA认证以获得福利的任何类别都必须在工作计划中列出, 或者由你的学术顾问以书面形式确认该课程将适用于你的学位课程.
  • 重复课程: 不及格或成绩未达到毕业最低要求的课程,如果重复,可以获得VA认证. 成功完成的课程如果是重复的,可能不会获得VA认证.
  • 不令人满意的进展: You must maintain satisfactory progress to continue receiving your benefits. 当你的试用期超过两个学期,退伍军人管理局就会终止你的福利.
  • “W”等次 如果最终成绩为“W”,VA将不会将课程计入你的注册状态。. This can lead to an overpayment situation at the end of a semester.

Students who are called to active duty must take care of several academic, financial and record matters prior to their departure from campus. 联邦政府和OU有许多程序来帮助你完成这个过渡.


  • 阶级的地位 – Notify the School Certifying Official of your military orders. Depending on the time of the semester, 与你的教授会面,讨论双方都同意的完成遗漏作业的安排,或者课程中“I”(不完整)的可能性.  If completion of assignments or an I grade is not possible, request a drop of all courses at 100% tuition refund.
  • 住房合同 -在租期结束前终止房屋合同将不会受到处罚. 退款将根据学期或学期的剩余时间计算.
  • – The campus bookstore will provide 100% refund on returned books. You must submit a copy of your activation papers.
  • Financial aid and student loans -请致电(248)370-2550与学生金融服务办公室联系或前往北基金大厅, Room 120 for more information. 行政宽免和延期福利适用于现役征召, per federal government regulations.


  • 在退伍军人支持服务中心建立了一个单一的联系点, the Veteran Certifying Official.
  • A copy of the Activation Papers is required from the student.
  • 学校认证官员负责向学生提供有关潜在退款和学术影响的相关信息.
  • The School Certifying Official is responsible for ensuring enrollment is adjusted, VA Certification is terminated, and for maintaining a list and count of all activated students.
  • 如果符合调整后的学费要求,学校认证官员负责通知学生财务服务.


  • 在返回时, 军校学生应通知学校认证官员与学生金融服务和学术咨询单位一起工作. 
  • 由于服兵役命令而必须中断学业的个人将被重新录取到他们以前正在攻读的学校/学院课程.  
  • 十大菠菜台子将在符合条件的服务人员根据兵役命令返回学校后,尊重其上一学期的学费.  Eligibility is based on the student's DOD education benefit level. 重新入学调整后的学费费率在返回的学年内生效. *This tuition-rate policy does not apply to medical school students

Veterans Support Services

Vandenberg Hall, Room 112
(248) 370-2010

上午8点.m. – 5 p.m.


(248) 370-4010
(248) 370-4584(传真)